Saturday, May 21, 2011


You have til MONDAY to let us know your favorite AI stamps... and you could be a winner...
Check it out HERE...

So please follow us and ya never know what your comment may do for you!!!
(Hint Hint)


Mary said...

What's my favorite AI stamp.... that's like asking who is my favorite child.... I love them all. I guess I use the Golden Oldies and the Girlfriends stamps most might have something to do with my age :-) My first AI stamps were the front and back stamps and I use them still today. Like I said earlier.... this is like asking who is my favorite child!

Barbara Bruder said...

What is my favorite AI stamp?? Well, I can truely say, all of them. Your stamps are so great its hard to narrow it down. But if I have to, I would definitly say the watercolor stamps are my all time favorite

ellenmcrawley said...

Love your window and door stamps, and all the extras that go with them!

ellenmcrawley said...

ok, I forgot to say why the window and door stamps are my favorite, so...I love the versitility of them. So many options. I don't alwaysstick with one accessary stamp set, sometimes I mix them up or use other stamps with them. It just depends on what I'm working on.

Sandi said...

My favorite stamps are the oldies, because they are just so much fun to work with. I have enjoyed all of them!

buckndi said...

Thought I left a comment, but it seems to have disappeared...I love the watercolor stamps, especially the lighthouse scenes. I have a friend who loves lighthouses, and I always use them on his birthday cards. The best ones are the ones from AI, of course!