Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Blue Bird of Happiness by Cheryl Valadez

Hello, Ai Fans!

Welcome back!  Today I'm sharing a card featuring the Buzzard Set (#4194).  This guy just cracks me up and reminds my of one of the gags that Johnny Carson used to do on the Tonight Show.  Never gets old :)

Copic colors used:  wings and black details- C7, C5, C3, C1, chest- E44, E43, E42, E41 neck and head- E95, E93, E00 red accents- R59, R27, R24, R32 background- B02, B00, B000, B0000

That's a face only a mother could love...LOL!  You can find our fine feathered friend in Ai Shop, so be sure to visit.

Until next time, stay crafty!


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Karen Day said...

I love this guy, too! Great guy card, Cheryl!

Leeann said...

Love this. So useful and fun.

Cynthia said...

Fun card and fabulous coloring, Cheryl! I really needed the chuckle this morning.

Linsey R said...

LOL! Love it!!!

Kerry said...

Cheryl, awesome card, got to add this on my wish list! :D