Hi AI Fans!
This cute scene is a great stamp Bunny Frame.
This Motive is fine in it self, so I just put a bow in the corner.
I used two different sizes on the letters, otherwise there would have been room for both words

Here I show how to make bows.
I made a ribbon tools of plastic. It should be as wide as you want the bow. Here I found a plastic ruler that I cut a gash in. But it also goes well with a lid from a ice cream jar
Picture 1.Start to wrap twice around the ruler.
Picture 2. Stick the end of the ribbon thru the gash.
Picture 3. When you get the end of the ribbon again, make an ordinary knot
Picture 4. Now you have a finished bow. Take it off and correct it if it´s necessary.
Cut off the ends, depending on how long you want them and burn gently at them, then they do not fray.
Want to wish you all a very
Happy Easter!.
Zora you have shown me yet another amazing stamp that I have not ever seen , love what you have done with it great coloring .. Just beautiful
Very cute card Zora and interesting tutorial. But you might like to avail yourself of the most phenomenal bow maker on the market ever at www.craft-deebowz.blogspot.com.. It's small, lightweight, self contained and makes from a 1" to a 4-1/4" bow (12 sizes in all). Check it out!
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