Thursday, August 22, 2013

Challenge 117 - "People Parade" NEW Ai People Blog Hop!

Hello Ai Fans! Welcome to a special challenge kicking off with our new Ai People launch and blog hop!
If you're looking for the winners of our "For the Dogs (& Cats)" challenge, please click here.

Today, we're excited to launch the first of our CHA releases! We have FIVE new Ai People, perfect to add to your collection. To start off, our design team has amazing creations on their blogs to share. Hop on through the blogs for some awesome inspiration and join our raffle to win the ENTIRE line!

To kick off the celebration, our guest designer Jo Ann Sinclair (aka the Easel Card Queen) has created these amazing cards to share with you! Make sure to take a close look at her awesome paper piecing!

Now to the goodies! Enter our giveaway through the widget below and on September 3 we will draw one lucky winner to get the entire new line!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don't forget to join in the fun and submit your "People Parade" card. This week, any card with a stamped person will do! Don't forget, if you use Art Impressions stamps you receive extra bonus points!

Here are the challenge rules ...
 Please make a new card or creation. You can make any crafty item you wish; this is not limited to cards!
 Limit two submissions per person. You will receive extra votes if you use Art Impressions stamps!
 Include a link back to the Ai Blog or grab our button on the top right of our sidebar!
 Share the Ai love by clicking and commenting your fellow crafters.
 Make sure to get your link up by Wednesday, September 3 at 5:00 p.m. PST to enter your creations.
 Good luck and happy stamping!


Dina Kowal Creative said...

Such a fun release and hop - thanks for the chance to win! With love from Asia,


Stephanie said...

So much fun!

Unknown said...

Incredible cards Jo Ann Sinclair! Thanks for sharing them, happy you are hopping along with us. Blessings - Rhonda

K.E. said...

Love AI and all the new ai people! with love from Playa Del Rey ca (near LAX!)

Karen P said...

Wow - fab stamps and so much fun! Thank you for the chance to win. I hope to be back soon with an entry hugs Karen

Unknown said...

Love all the new images ! Would love to win all of these!!!

PoJo said...
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PoJo said...

So cute! With love from Gainesville, Florida!

Anonymous said...

Love them all!! from Huntsville, Alabama

Jennifer Scull said...

these stamps are just as cute as can be! I'm loving the Cathy Caffeine set. she is way too much like me! grins!

with love from Chardon, Ohio. :)

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

Just adore all of the new people you have added to the AI Collection! With Love from PA!

hollyanna said...
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hollyanna said...

I love all the Art Impression old folks and funny sentiments, especially as I get older! They are all so interchangeable -- and so true! With Love from Portland, OR

Unknown said...

These stamps just make me smile. Love all the designers cards!!

Cheryl First said...

Great new images, and super DT works!

Lorianna said...

"With Love from ...Lorianna " and where you live, in PA!

Unknown said...

Cute, cute, cute!

Unknown said...
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Sharon Roselli said...

lovin the new people stamps. thanks for a chance to win.

Unknown said...

Cute, cute, cute!

Unknown said...

Cute, cute, cute!

Unknown said...

Cute, cute, cute!

Unknown said...

Cute, cute, cute!

Unknown said...

Cute, cute, cute!

Unknown said...

Cute, cute, cute!

Unknown said...

Cute, cute, cute!

Unknown said...

Cute, cute, cute!

Carisa said...

These stamps always manage to give me a chuckle! They look so fun to color, too! With love from Colorado.

Unknown said...

Love all the AI people, so I'm excited to see the new releases. These stamps are great fun. With love from Wisconsin.

Marj said...

I love these new people! And love the chance to win them! Thanks

Marj said...

Forgot to add--With love from Michigan!

Unknown said...

I love the AI People stamps. They are so much fun.
With Love from British Columbia, Canada

Joan V said...

"With Love from Wentzville, MO"
Jo Ann' card are so cute. Wow, I thing she is the queen of paper piecing. LOL. Off to go to the design teams blogs.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful release. I am looking forward to owning them. Love from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Joan V said...

Great blog hop. Ai has a very talented design team. Thanks for sharing.

Dawn Woolf said...

I LOVE Ai!!! Thanks for the chance to win such fun stamps! With tons of love from Mars Hill, NC!! <3

Dawn :)

Isha Gupta said...

Wonderful release and Amazing cards by the Dts. Thanks for the fun hop.

Anonymous said...

So cute and she is the easel queen!! WOW!!Love the paper piecing!

Kimberly S said...

Adorable people images, and such cute cards! :)

Connie L. Riley said...

I love the new AI people. The are so humorous and the Design Team has so many good ideas for cards! Thanks!

Unknown said...

These are adorable. I appreciate the opportunity to win
all 5.

Tina said...

I enjoyed seeing everyone's creations on the blog hop. They are were great. And I love all the new images. Love from Texas. Tina

cghundley said...

These stamps are so
fun! I'm dropping in
here with love from
Carla from Utah

Marlene said...

These girlfriends have brought many a laugh to me, as well as the recipients of the cards I make. Glad to see some new ones.

Gail Hutchinson said...

Your stamps always leave a smile on my face. Can't wait to see them on the blogs.

Heike said...

Fabulous stamps. Real must have images.
Heike xx, Scotland

Cheryl said...

I just love your stamps - so appropriate for my friends of a "certain age"! love from Cheryl in sunny Sydney, Australia

Wyldthang said...

Love the new stamps. My friends always enjoy my AI creations....always good for a giggle! Luv from Donna B, Raleigh, NC

Nancy M said...

Awesome images, as always! Luv from western NY!

Andrea said...

With love from humid sunny Papillion, NE. I love your stamps. Would love to have these images...pick me pick me.

Sue D said...

Great images and wonderful cards.
With Love from NE Ohio.

Jules said...

I NEED these stamps! Everyone is retiring and I have to make cards. Love from Perth, Western Australia

Sabrina said...

These cards are absolutely amazing!!! With love from Sabrina Roseville California!!!

KathyA. said...

Fun challenge. I'm from Wisconsin and love your images and wacky sense of humor!

SandeeNC said...

Super cute images!! with love from Hendersonville, NC ♥

Sue from Oregon said...

Always love my Ai Stamps!!! Great new release!

Crafty Math Chick said...

LOL, these are funny!

Anonymous said...

Have always loved your stamps.
No other line is as much fun to use!!!

Alifen said...

Fantastic card...Fantastic stamps!!!...Love from Busselton, Western Australia

Unknown said...

You guys are the best what a great group of stamps

stamping sue said...

fun new stamps!
stamping sue

MiamiKel said...

*Squeal!* How absolutely delightful! What FUN, FUN, FUN new stamps!! I love the creative inspiration cards - so full of color and whimsy and brought a great big smile to my face! Super awesome!! TFS!

Susan said...

LOVE AI stamps! With love from Albuquerque NM

Amy Martin said...
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Amy Martin said...

Awesome cards. These are just the funniest ever. So cute and each shape adds so much character. Wonderful job ladies. Fabulous hop. I love your stamps.
Amy Jones
forgot to say. With Love from Gordonsville TN.

Shannon said...

"With Love from NM"
Love the new people and the paper piecing on the samples is fabulous!

Jo Ann said...

I have some of your wonderful stamps and just haven't made a project with them(got them just few weeks ago) and I am loving the humor behind your designs. How I wish I can get more an sure would love to win these five gorgeous stamps. Lovely inspiration by your DT's. God bless!


Tammy Nyenhuis said...

What adorable stamps with great sentiments!

Sam said...

Awesome stamps, love the new Ai people, they are great!!!

Regina Cooper said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I love your stamps. The cards are so fun.

Peggy Wood said...

I love your people stamps. I have some of the original ones and need these to add to my sets. Thanks for all the ideas.

Peggy Wood said...

With love from Bonita Springs, Florida. I especially love the bathing beauties, but all your people are great.

Ava Gavloski said...

thanks for organizing an inspirational hop, love discovering talent...
love from canada

Karen said...

With love from...........Rockett, Texas :)

Karen Brooks

Manna said...

Great new images and super DT works!
Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

I love these stamps and the cards shown are so inspirational. I will definitely be adding to my collection. Love from Queensland Australia

Pam D said...

Great new release, love AI people, TFS!

Unknown said...

With love from Palmdale, CA! Great new designs and adore the cards from the designers, such great ideas for new and funny cards!

MjDidDoIt said...

With LOVE from Vancouver WA!!! Love the coffee cup Chick!! I need a cup that size on most days!!!

Unknown said...

each time a new AI person comes out it just sends my brain into turmoil on how can I afford these stamps and I already know of at least 10 ways to use it!
Love them, from Kerikeri, New Zealand.
Keep up the good work and keep them coming....

Cynthia said...

Super fun release! I would love to begin my AI collection with these! Thanks for the fun challenge and chance to win.

Cathy Spicer said...

I am SO in love with the AI stamps, especially the People and Girlfriends sets. I can't wait to do the hop and will keep my fingers crossed to be a lucky winner!!

Creative Tara said...

what a fun release- I can already imagine who I'd make cards for with most of these images :) Thanks for a chance to win!

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

FUN, FUN, FUN - would so much love to have those sets - pick me, pick me!

Dorothy S said...

So sad - I lost track and missed the hop - your people images are so cute! But I do have a card!