Thursday, July 25, 2024

All A-Buzz Challenge #383 Week #2

 Hello Ai fans and welcome to week #2 of our

All A-Buzz challenge.

Use insects.

Last week, I was the Featured Artist and I made two SHAKER cards.

Sharon used a bunch of BEES.

Dori's BEES buzz around!
See her video on her post.

Janet used spiders from 5038 – Ghoul Friend Set.

Tasha also used BEES.
Lynn went with BUTTERFLIES and has a video tutorial. 

They sure created some wonderful inspiration!
Thank you everyone.

We're loving all of the entries so far.
Keep up the amazing work everyone.

✻ Please make a new card or handmade crafty creation. You can make any item you wish; this is not limited to cards!

✻ Limit two submissions per person. You will receive extra votes if you use Art Impressions stamps!
 ✻Please include your first name and last initial on your submission.
✻We love to comment on your entries, but keep in mind if you use a private group or a platform that you need to sign up for, we probably won't be able to.
✻ The Ai Challenge is open to everyone, international submissions are welcome!
✻ Include a link back to the Ai Blog or grab our button on the top right of our sidebar!
✻ Share the Ai love if you can, by clicking and commenting on your fellow crafters.
✻ Make sure to get your link up by the deadline to enter your creations.
✻ Good luck and happy stamping! 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

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