Thursday, May 23, 2024

All That Glitters Challenge #379

Hello Ai fans!
Welcome to the All That Glitters challenge.

We want to see any sort of glitter or sparkle on your project.
Before we see what Janet, our Featured Designer created,
let's see who won our Just For You challenge.

For our Top Spot we selected

Please contact Leah at
to claim a free stamp set of your choice!
Also, be sure to grab our badge to display on your blog, Facebook or Instagram!

Our Lucky Random Winner was:
Julie W.

Please contact Leah at
to claim a free stamp set of your choice!
Also, be sure to grab our badge to display on your blog, Facebook or Instagram!

Now on to Janet's ADORABLE card.
Let's see and hear what she's made to inspire you!

Hello everyone! It's my pleasure to feature a card for the new challenge made with 5798 - Gardening Girlfriends Set. I have chosen to put this wonderful image on a fun fold card base. I'm not sure what others call this fold but I call it a front fold pop-out card. This is pretty simple to make and it fits into a normal A2 card base. It also folds flat for mailing. 

The current challenge is All That Glitters. In the spirit of the challenge, I've added Star Dust Stickles (a glitter glue) to my flowers. Glitter glue is just one way to add some shine. I wasn't able to pick up the glitter in the photo as I had hoped but in person, it adds a very pretty shine to the flowers. I like glitter glue since it is mess free! So let's get started!

Cut four panels in the dimensions shown. I used patterns from 5835 - Mini Paper Pack. Going left to right, the first two panels are stacked and placed on the middle fold. The two identical panels on the right go on either side of the center panel of the card.

Create the card base from a piece of cardstock cut at 5 1/2" x 8 1/2". The folds are scored as shown below. 

Once scored, the card base is folded as shown from the top. Going from left to right, the folds are mountain, valley, valley and mountain.

Stamp the smaller middle panel with a sentiment and adhere it to the larger center panel mat. Adhere the two smaller panels on either side so that the card is as shown.

Cut two ovals for the focal image of the card. I cut an oval out of alcohol friendly cardstock with the 5727 - Nested Oval Die Set.  I cut a large oval out of cardstock from the 5835 - Mini PP paper pack to use as a mat with a die from 5065 - Oval Double Stitched Dies.

    Stamp the image and another sentiment on the the white cardstock. This image allows you to add flowers to the pot and the watering can. To do this and not ruin the main image, use washi tape or little pieces of paper, such as from the sticky part of a post-it-note to cover the edge of both containers and act as a mask. Then stamp the flowers. Notice how the stems stamp on the mask instead of the main image. The flowers I used come from 5825 - Geranium Set. Choose any ink colors you like for this. I chose blues, pinks, and lavenders.

After stamping, I peeled the mask away leaving the flowers as shown.

I then colored the flowers loosely and added contrasting dots and used a black pen to give a little more form to the flowers. I added Stickles to the flowers to give them a little more pop.

I colored the image using Copic markers: 

Skin: E000, E01, E02, E30, R20
Hair: E23, E15, E30
Bench: E23, E15, E29
Orange Pot: YR00, YR02, YR04
Watering Can: C1, W1, C7
Shorts: BG000, BG01, BG05
Capris: B23, B24, B28
Hat: E30, Y17
Boots: G99, G21
Yellow Shirt: Y11, Y15, Y17
Apron: V01, Vo4, V17
White Shirt: C1, BV31, 0
Ground: G21, W3

As a final touch, I added blue and purple matt enamel dots to the left and right panels.

Thanks for stopping by today. Don't forget to enter your card in the All That Glitters Challenge. Just add some glitter somewhere on your card in any medium to be eligible to win free stamps! I also invite you to visit the store to see all the things you need for your card, journal, and tag making projects. Have a great Saturday!

Janet YouTube - Blog - Facebook - Instagram - Pinterest  

✻ Please make a new card or handmade crafty creation. You can make any item you wish; this is not limited to cards!

✻ Limit two submissions per person. You will receive extra votes if you use Art Impressions stamps!
 ✻Please include your first name and last initial on your submission.
✻We love to comment on your entries, but keep in mind if you use a private group or a platform that you need to sign up for, we probably won't be able to.
✻ The Ai Challenge is open to everyone, international submissions are welcome!
✻ Include a link back to the Ai Blog or grab our button on the top right of our sidebar!
✻ Share the Ai love if you can, by clicking and commenting on your fellow crafters.
✻ Make sure to get your link up by the deadline to enter your creations.
✻ Good luck and happy stamping! 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


Sharon Caudle said...

A huge congratulations to the winners! I love them both! And Janet...What an adorable card!!! I love your different fold and those awesome Girlfriends!

SugarShine Designs said...

Thanks Sharon! Have a great Memorial Day weekend! - Janet

Hunky Dory said...

Congrats Irene and Julie! I love both of your entries. Isn’t it fun to win a stamp set?
Janet - Your featured card is darling! I love the fun fold and your coloring on the girlfriends. Great stamp set!

Cynthia said...

Congrats to the winners! Love the fun fold card inspiration from Janet.

Dandi93 said...

Thank you so much, Congrats to Julie as well. Love Janet's card, such a fun fold