Saturday, May 25, 2024

Happy Birthday Treats! by Janet

Happy Saturday everyone! I hope you visited the blog to learn all about the latest challenge, All That Glitters. I was the featured artist and I shared how I made a fancy fold card that had a middle panel pop-out. Today I'm showing a slightly different version of that card style. I don't have a name for it but I feel like it could be called an Inside Out Pop-Out Panel fold. This is because the middle cake panel is the front when closed and also the main image when it's opened. To close the card, the two side flaps slip under the middle panel of cake. This one also lays flat for mailing. The set I have used for this card is 5255 Birthday Cake Set. There are so many fun cakes in this set. I used five of the nine images on this card, two outside and three inside. 

When displayed, this card looks like an M from the top as you can see here.

The inside panel which is also the outside panel when closed, was cut with a 5063 Rectangle Double Stitched Die. I layered a piece of purple polka dot paper on top cut with a 5724 Nested Rectangle Dies and then the big cake and cupcake on top of that. All the papers except for the main card base are from the 5873 Mini Birthday Journal Paper Pack

To refresh your memory, this is the card I featured this week for the challenge. Here's a link to that post with complete instructions: All That Glitters Challenge. I used glitter glue on the cakes for my card today so it works for the challenge. If you use any kind of glitter product on a project, you can participate in the challenge. Just upload it with the link above for the challenge.

Thanks for stopping by today. I hope my card gives you some ideas of your own. Please visit the store to see all the things you need for your card, journal, and tag making projects. Have a great Saturday!

Janet YouTube - Blog - Facebook - Instagram - Pinterest  

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